Dan Stroot

My Social Media Setup

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1 min read

Social media is overwhelming - we are inundated with email, text messages, tweets, facebook posts and who knows what else. How to stay on top of it and share appropriately?

Feedly -> Buffer -> Everything (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin)

Weapons of Choice

Feedly. I love reading. I love blogs. But I can't visit all blogs, all the time.

  • RSS was invented and it was glorious.
  • Google Reader was created and the heavens shone with light.
  • Reeder was built and my iPhone screamed with delight. Now I can consume news all day, all night.
  • Then Google killed Reader (and thus Reeder) and my life was shattered.
  • Enter Feedly ... and the angels sing.

Buffer. "Easily add great articles, pictures and videos to your Buffer and we automagically share them for you through the day!"

Hootsuite. "The leading social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks"

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